How to Tune a Guitar

One of the first thing's you have to do when you get a guitar, and something you'll always have to be doing is tuning your guitar. A guitar can become out of tune, either by time or by use. It is always a good idea to take a little bit of time before each playing session to make sure every string is aligned at the right pitch. As if it is out of tune, it would compromise your playing ability. Most people have a tuner device, either physically or on an application on your phone. I personally use a free app on my phone called GuitarTuna. It is a free app, and has served me well over the years. You can tune in a regular key or do different styles such as Drop D tuning, etc. Overtime and with practice, you might be able to tune with your ear due to the sheer number of times you've heard the correct pitch.

Personally, I like to start tuning the the thinnest string first. As I find that normally the thinner strings are usually the culprit for being out of tune. With the app, it tells you whether you need to raise the pitch higher or lower to get in tune. If you need to go higher to get in tune, twist the tuning peg on the head of the guitar to make the string tighter to until the app gives you a green light. It usually takes a lit bit of fidgeting to make the pitch just right, but it get's easier as you do it. Repeat this step for the next 5 strings. Then, I go back really quickly re-do it to make sure none of the string positions changed. After that, you're good to play!

Guitar Tuning - Online Lessons and Resources


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