Justinguitar.com Review

I believe justinguitar.com is the best website to go to if you are new and wanting to learn the guitar. Not only does he offer an extensive amount of beginner, intermediate and advanced lessons, but it’s also completely free! I initially found Justinguitar from his YouTube channel, the first day I got my guitar I found his Californication – Red Hot Chili Peppers Lesson on YouTube and I immediately loved his style of teaching and his laidback personality. He made guitar lessons fun when I was a beginner. Later on, I stumbled upon his website, and was amazed at how much content he offered for beginners. Everyday I would try and do at least one full module from his website and I found myself improving so quickly. Looking back on it, he has everything you need to teach new players. He goes above and beyond teaching all these chords, scales, strumming patterns, and songs. He makes it so you never feel bored and that you’re always improving and working on something that feels important and sounds nice. He even keeps updating it to this day, so there is more and more content and lessons to choose from. If I were to give any new player advice it would be to start following along Justin’s lessons from the very beginning because the order of his lessons really help you make sure you aren’t lagging in any areas of you’re guitar playing. I still watch back his lessons and videos to this day whenever I’m in a rut with my guitar playing.


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