Selling of Guitar Tabs (rant)

One of my biggest triggers when it comes to the guitar community is how some people sell guitar tabs. Now let’s get this clear, some of the tabs can take a lot work. Particularly, most fingerstyle songs. But the fact of the matter is that these guys are stealing the work of other musicians and claiming it as the work of their own. I find it very disheartening to learn guitar when your watching a YouTube tutorial for a song and the YouTuber is selling the tab for a couple of bucks. It just makes me want to put my guitar down and find some other song to learn. While there are many free guitar tab sites like and, most new players have not heard of these and rely on YouTube or google. This could cause new players to quit or shed away a couple of their hard-earned dollars for nothing. Thankfully, there are plenty of good YouTubers and free sites and offer very good and high-quality tabs and lessons for free. This is why I like YouTubers like MartyMusic, JustinGuitar and LickNRiff. They are very genuine and offer quality content for free on a regular basis. I think the community is definitely filled up with a lot of good people, but it can just take a couple bad apples to ruin the experience for others. Maybe if the paid tabs were original or had extreme quality, I would be ok with it. But, for the most part the people that sell them are just looking for a quick buck.


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