Q&A w/ Chris

I interviewed my roommate Chris who recently picked up guitar during quarantine.

Q: What was your inspiration to start playing guitar?

A: I was sitting in my house dying from boredom over quarantine and decided to trade in my old guitar for a new one at the GuitarCenter. Getting this new guitar helped motivate me to play again and develop an interest in learning guitar. I hardly touched my guitar before quarantine, so upgrading my guitar gave me a reason to commit time to finally learning something I’ve been holding back for so long.

Q: What songs are you interested in playing/learning?

A: I am interested in learning fingerstyle and classic guitar pieces. So far, my favorite song that I’ve learned is Gymnopedie No. 1. I am trying to learn a bunch of other classical pieces currently, and am working towards learning Claire de Lune.

Q: How has quarantine impacted your guitar learning?

A: Quarantine has given me a lot more time and freedom to play and learn guitar. I am hardly busy these days and never have an excuse to not be practicing. My day to day life has revolved around getting my school work done, eating, sleeping and learning guitar for the most part.

Q: Any words of encouragement you would like to give to other new players and beginners?

A: I would tell new players to not give up! Playing and learning guitar is extremely hard in the beginning and the odds are stacked against you, but once you finally get thru the basics and learn a couple songs it gets a lot more enjoyable and easier to stick with.


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