How to Make More Time to Play Guitar

Most people are very busy throughout the day. People have to work, eat, sleep and do many other activities throughout the day to function normally in society. Often times it can seem really hard to get in the quality playing time you need to help you advance your guitar playing ability. However, I feel like it may not be as hard as you would think to find the quality time you are looking for.

I think one of the most beneficial things I’ve done the past year to free up some time was eliminating the amount of spend on entertainment such as tv, movies, browsing the web etc. The amount of time that caused me to save was immense, and some days I feel like I am almost obligated to play guitar because I am so bored from doing nothing. Especially with covid, I feel like I have all the free time in the world to play guitar. The world is kind of in a stand still so now is the time to learn those songs you’ve always wanted to learn. I would not recommend losing sleep and staying up all night to help you master the guitar. But, to pick it up in random intervals whenever you feel inspired or have nothing else going on in your life. Sometimes you get really busy, and that is ok. People have lives besides there hobbies and once you finally get back into playing again you should get your skill back in no time.


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